Washington Slagbaai National Park Visitor Center i Bonaire

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Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 788 9015
Hjemmeside: www.stinapa.org
Latitude: 12.2697071, Longitude: -68.3454967
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Kommentar 5

  • Thomas Lynch

    Thomas Lynch


    Great way to spend the day 😁

  • S



    The Museum is interesting. We took the short loop, aside from the flamingos and 2 huge iguanas there wasn't much else beside cactus. We saw a couple donkeys and goats, but we felt like it was anything exciting. I may check it out again when I'm back.

  • Bryan Noll

    Bryan Noll


    Must have a truck... Take the long route. Beautiful Places to see along the way.

  • Audrey Frans

    Audrey Frans


    Very good & natural. Great service!

  • Didier Sertijn

    Didier Sertijn


    Beautiful park where your driver brings you straight to the Park Ranger Desk to make sure you have the extended STINAPA penning with your name linked to it! The actually check the names with your government issued form of identity. If you don't have one yet: the penning is sold in most hotels and/ or dive shops and of course the Tourist information desk, but also at the entrance of the National Park from this ranger. You get a plastic penning which can be attached to your diving mask whenever you enter the waters around the island. HOWEVER the ticket is what is important. This mentions your name and the date! So as a good advice: Don't just show up with the plastic coin sized penning or you won't get in. The park tour is done in 4x4 vehicles and is very bumpy! If you tend to get sick in a car.. please make sure you calculate this in! Besides bumping, rocking and totally awesome.. it's also verrrrrry dusty! Don't bring your best clothes! You will be cloaked by yellowish / reddish dust from top to toe if you travel in open air vehicles (like the 4x4 former army range rovers we rode in! This dust on top of the heat makes it very thirsty.. and believe me, you NEED to stay hydrated! Something your guide looks after on a guided (hotel) booked tour. They all have a big 30liter cooled water tank with them in the car from which you can tap without any limits.. (4 people won't drink this in 8 hours so don't be ashamed to refill) You have 2 tours in the park... A longer one (done in summer when the road is dry enough to explore the more wilder areas. A short one, mainly done in the 'winter' meaning the wet season.. which makes certain roads too dangerous to pass. Both are beautiful according to our guide, but we were nevertheless happy to be on the longer summer tour which packs more different things to be seen. The park itself is with right and reason a National Park. Nature in all it's power shaped and still shapes the islands very different coasts. (you 'll get surprised how different nature can be on just a few miles) Hard to describe but a must see for every tourist! PLEASE NOTE : The park not meant to be reached on foot since no living areas are nearby - the tourist area where most hotels are located is even around half an hour driving)

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