Washington-Slagbaai National Park i Bonaire

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Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 788 9015
Hjemmeside: stinapabonaire.org
Latitude: 12.25, Longitude: -68.3833333
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Kommentar 5

  • Dieuwke Kluvers

    Dieuwke Kluvers


    A visit to the park it well worth the effort! We went for some shore dives and a hike. We were at the park when it opened and needed the full range of the opening hours. There are restrooms at the entrance and Boca Slagbaai. There are no other facilities, so bring plenty of and food. When you visit the park make sure you bring identification. The rangers are strict with this rule.

  • Christian Takkebos

    Christian Takkebos


    Beautiful park, the option to climb the Brandaris and a ton of good dive spots. Ride is a bit rough so I'd recommend you'd take a pickup truck.

  • Spike Klobas

    Spike Klobas


    This was a completely different environment than is our normal living experience. The scenery was fabulous.

  • Émile Massie-Vanasse

    Émile Massie-Vanasse


    Best place to spend your day at the sun to allow your body to decompress before taking the plane the very next day!

  • Flemming Elleboe

    Flemming Elleboe


    Make sure you have a good truck with a full gas tank and bring lots of water with you since the dirt roads are a bit worn out and there are no convienience stores in the park. Getting there early and take your time is a must as there are a lot of different things to see and explorer. From blow hole to "hidden beaches" and the various nature trails.

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