Top Supermarket i Kralendijk

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13, Kaya L. D. Gerharts, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 7068
Latitude: 12.1527764, Longitude: -68.2756254
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Kommentar 5

  • Rob van Temmen

    Rob van Temmen


    Real local supermarket! Everyting you are looking for is here ti find

  • Graham Lee

    Graham Lee


    Very friendly service and the best beer in town, unknown to a lot of people........Zulia top for taste, brewed in Venezuela. All. You need without fancy and always open even Sunday at 08:00

  • David Lesley

    David Lesley


    For my first visit years ago this was Cultimara, the original open air store. Now not a lot of choice but it is still worth a visit to check out the reasonable prices on what they do have.

  • A Price

    A Price


    I liked it because it was different than what I'm accustomed to, but in reality there just isn't much here. I think it may have been mostly liquor.

  • Ben Farmer

    Ben Farmer


    The selection really isn't great, and some of the items are way too pricey. Just know not to expect too much going in — other grocery stores exist.

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