Warehouse Bonaire i Kralendijk

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24, Kaya Industria, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 8700
Hjemmeside: www.warehousebonaire.com
Latitude: 12.1441199, Longitude: -68.2695582
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Kommentar 5

  • David Lesley

    David Lesley


    Very good store that is modern with a very good selection at prices that I think are better than others. Great bread from their bakery, best prices on Caribe beer last month (Feb 2018), good cheese selection. Indoor parking if you want. Avoid the end of work day rush, sometimes hard to find parking.

  • Meralney B

    Meralney B


    They are one of the cheapest supermarkets on the Island. They have fresh bread and fresh meat and vegetable. They have specials every week. Nice and clean. And its enjoying to walk around.

  • Micha Koster

    Micha Koster


    Not really the place to go for fresh fruits and veggies, but then again. Those are incredibly difficult to find on the island. Almost everything else is very fairly priced though.

  • Daan Simonis

    Daan Simonis


    Good basic supermarket. Mostly jumbo (nl) private label. Full assortment. Fresh and non food. Reasonable prices

  • Daryl Cooper

    Daryl Cooper


    Warehouse Bonaire is a good place to go for essentials. There is a wide selection of products from many countries - makes things interesting when you cannot read the ingredients! That said, it is usually pretty easy to infer and understand what the products are. Staff is helpful but language can be a bit of a barrier. Patience is important. Products may not be the same on every visit. Shipping lead times and supplier availability of certain products effects what is on the shelf. Be flexible and adjust your needs to what is available. Warehouse Bonaire is the number one place for groceries when we are on the island.

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📑 Alle kategorier i Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba

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