Van Den Tweel i Kralendijk

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39, Kaya Industria, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 6131
Latitude: 12.1447319, Longitude: -68.2668328
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Kommentar 5

  • cliff grimes

    cliff grimes


    Good selection with comparable prices and quality freah foods - meat/fruit/vegatables/breads

  • Amy Spaulding

    Amy Spaulding


    Best grocery store on the island. Beware it is all in Dutch, but we thoroughly enjoyed figuring out what things were and trying new things!

  • Sam Edwards

    Sam Edwards


    4 Stars Because Almost Nothing is in English on an island that uses USD as its official currency! Best quality and mostly best prices on the island. All staff are super friendly and speak English. Great variety of Dutch products. Go to the other stores (on the same road) if you want products with English text (not necessarily from the U.S.)!

  • Thomas



    Van Den Tweel has everything you're looking for as a cruiser or island crasher. Wine and beer are cheaper here than most places and the selection of produce was decent. As a Dutch island, don't miss out on the supply of stroop waffles which go great with your morning tea or coffee.

  • Nicholas Howard

    Nicholas Howard


    No complaints here whatsoever (besides the fact that I can only speak English fluently). Great selection of retail products. Bakery is excellent, as is the deli. Produce is very fresh. The store itself is very modern and has frameless glass coolers for milk, eggs, etc. Really a great look.

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