Bonaire Rent a Car i Kralendijk

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8A, Kaya Industria, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 786 6090
Latitude: 12.144293, Longitude: -68.273359
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Kommentar 5

  • Bryan Noll

    Bryan Noll


    They were waiting for me at the airport.. quick drive to the office to do some paperwork and hit the road in my truck within a few mins. Vehicle ran great. Great staff. I will be using them again next time I visit!

  • Rodger Albertus

    Rodger Albertus


    I've received fast service at a great price. Cars are clean and in very good condition.

  • s w

    s w


    We rented a pick-up truck from Bonaire Rent a Car at the end of last month and had a fantastic experience. We visit Bonaire several times a year and have used the large car rental agency for years but had a bad experience on our last visit, so we decided to make a change. After Bonaire Rent a Car was recommended we decided to give them a try. We are so very glad we did! The service is exceptional and quick. No more waiting in a long line for your turn in the Bonaire heat, and the trucks are of much higher quality and brand new. They pick you up from the airport as soon as you come through the gate in your own vehicle, so no more waiting for the rest of the people that rented to come out and pile into a hot mini van like with the larger company. Bonaire Rent a Car owners are lovely people with warm personalities, fantastic service and impeccable vehicles - we will only rent from them from now on! Thanks to them we started and finished our trip with smiles on our faces.

  • Markus Schmitt

    Markus Schmitt


    Great guys, you know what to expect, what to pay. Quick service, friendly. No hassle. Thanks

  • Jack Holuba

    Jack Holuba


    Great experience working with Rob. Quick and easy booking and good support through the week. Worked with me to get the car back in perfect order after the park.

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