Budget Rent a Car Bonaire Main Office i Kralendijk

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10, Kaya Industria, Kralendijk, BQ De tidligere Nederlandske Antiller
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 4700
Hjemmeside: www.bonaire-budgetcar.com
Latitude: 12.1441883, Longitude: -68.2720971
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Kommentar 2

  • Peter Steiner

    Peter Steiner


    We never even received the car. They were supposed to pick us up at the cruise terminal but they never showed up. We called twice the firdt time they said someone just left to get us and should be ghere in 5 minutes. After 10 minutes we called again and they acted like they wouldn't know what we are talking about so we rented a scooter somewhere else.

  • Marc Bras

    Marc Bras


    It is a big scam how they treat you after returning your rental car. Even after showing pictures which show small damages already there before renting the car, they try to blackmail you with €350 extra costs. The employee twisted our story and wrongly accused us of damaging the car. Unfortunately for her we do understand Papiamento, she didn't know... bad luck!

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