XL Rent A Car Bonaire i Kralendijk

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Kaya Salsa 10A Nikiboko Kralendijk, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 785 9010
Hjemmeside: www.xlbonaire.com
Latitude: 12.1528507, Longitude: -68.2640043
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Kommentar 5

  • Elisabeth Gareis

    Elisabeth Gareis


    The service, the car, the owner--everything about XL is excellent! Roël picked us up from the airport, drove us to our rental villa, exchanged our sedan for a pick-up truck on the day we wanted to visit the national park (you need one there), and took us back to the airport. You won't get this kind of service and quality at Avis and company. I highly recommend XL! You won't regret it!

  • Kai



    I've rented a couple of times now. Great service, nice cars. Really cant complain.

  • Diane Hermes

    Diane Hermes


    This is the ONLY place I will rent with again. Have done so for several years now! Superior service, safe and secure vehicles. On more than one occasion I broke a tire 😩 Roel arrived promptly to fix the problem!

  • Jahzaraccessories



    The car was great. As aspected. I think where XL rent a Car Excels, is by their Amazing customer Service!

  • bibamassalu



    Our 5th time visiting Bonaire, and our 5th time with XL Rent A Car. Not need to look elsewhere. Great well kept cars. And the owners (Roël and Maresa) are Super friendly.

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