Tropicana Apartments i Kralendijk

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Kaya Proud, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 701 0404
Latitude: 12.1611873, Longitude: -68.2804219
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Kommentar 5

  • Gaby Schulz

    Gaby Schulz


    Die Anlage ist sehr schön. Die Appartements sind sauber und liebevoll eingerichtet. Das Zentrum ist gut zu Fuß erreichbar. Die Eigentümer und die Angestellten sind super nett und stehen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Ich Buche jedes Jahr super gerne für vier Wochen.

  • Reiner Aurenz

    Reiner Aurenz


    Diese Anlage ist sehr reizvoll gelegen. Abseits der Hauptstrasse sind es 4 Apartement in einer geschlossenen Anlage. Jedes Apartement hat eine eigene Terasse. 2 Querstrassen weiter ist man schon am Meer. In 10 min hat man das Stadtzentrum erreicht. Was will man mehr. Eine Querstrasse weiter ist eine Bar wo man auch frühstücken kann. Die Eigner Roland und Irene haben immer ein offenes Ohr für die Belange der Gäste und schauen öfters vorbei um nachzufragen ob alles in Ordnung ist. Super Service. Urlaub 2018 ist in Planung. Man fühlt sich wie zuhause.

  • Lidwien de Groot

    Lidwien de Groot


    Service is terrible. Owners are arrogant, rude, and not honest. Very shorttime minded. Rooms were full of dust, leaking tap on the bathroom, so you had to close/open the main tap every time you wanted to use it. We were promissed tot get a shadefull porch, it wasn't untill 4pm we had shade. In short, the place wasn't suitable for staying with little children. Last but not least, we asked the owners to reserve a taxi tot pick us up from the airport. There wasn't a taxi to pick us up. After asking Irene (one of the owners), she said that Roland didn't call a taxi at all. Next day, Roland claims that a taxi had been standing there for 20 minutes waiting for us.

  • Michiel de Wit

    Michiel de Wit


    Booked here for a week. When we arrived, we didn't quite find the apartment suitable for our young children. So we wanted to stay shorter. When we asked to change the booking, the owner and his wife went crazy and told us to move out of the apartment directly. We told him we still wanted to stay a couple of nights and had no where else to go with our young kids. He just said: I don't care, even if you have to sleep on the streets. Just bizarre. So we left and were luckily able to find something else eventually. Would not recommend doing business with this company.

  • Martin Woudstra

    Martin Woudstra



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