Sebastian Restaurant, Bar & Lounge i Kralendijk

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60 Julio A. Abraham Boulevard Kralendijk, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 1697
Latitude: 12.1410231, Longitude: -68.2756359
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Kommentar 5

  • xrtoombs1



    Just had a fantastic evening here with my wife. The views are wonderful with the waves crashing on the rocks just below the tables. A school of fish was periodically jumping and skimming across the water to escape some unseen predator. The food and drinks were excellent, as was the service. It may be a bit pricey for bonaire but for about 100 dollars we ate an ap, two main dishes and desert as well as 4 drinks and a bottle of water. That is pretty cheap for the quality of food and atmosphere.

  • Zach Timmons

    Zach Timmons


    The place is nice with good views and stuff. Stuff is a little pricey tho. 12 dollars for one piece of teramisu. The food was pretty good.

  • Josh Timmons

    Josh Timmons


    It was good food but expensive and great view.

  • Holly Baldwin

    Holly Baldwin


    The setting is beautiful. Prices are high and portions are small. Overrated. It gets 3 stars because of the atmosphere.

  • Ian Kaplan

    Ian Kaplan


    My wife and I first visited Sebastian's during Bonaire's "Restaurant Week". The location is gorgeous. The restaurant deck is built out over the reef and we were able to watch the sun go down. The food was very good and the service was excellent. We have since returned to Sebastian's and each time was very enjoyable.

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