Posada Para Mira i Rincon

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Kaya Para Mira, Rincon, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 2199
Hjemmeside: www.rincon.nl
Latitude: 12.2365579, Longitude: -68.3394617
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Kommentar 5

  • Marc Ridders

    Marc Ridders


    Friendly people who also serve local specialties.

  • Eleanor Verkoeyen

    Eleanor Verkoeyen


    The Goat Stew was so delicious, but they could have however, given a much bigger portion for what we paid.

  • David Lesley

    David Lesley


    Superb spot, a chance to eat ‘local’ and it is good food with friendly people serving you. Now taking credit cards. Licensed. Looking for an even greater view, go up onto the roof and see the valley of Rincon. Bug spray available should the mosquitos be around.

  • Ian Kaplan

    Ian Kaplan


    Posada Para Mira is located on a hill overlooking Bonaire's old town of Rincon. Posada Para Mira servers Bonairian cuisine, including goat stew (which is excellent). The restaurant is open to the trade winds and the people are friendly. This is a great place to eat if you are visiting the Cadushy Distillery.

  • brownhawkes



    More than one local suggested I eat here. I am glad they did. Conversation with the daughter and mother was just as terrific as the food. The love for this place is just amazing. Be kind and thoughtful and you will feel at home.

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