Goto Meer i Bonaire

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Washington Slagbaai National Park, Barcadera z/n, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599
Latitude: 12.2376, Longitude: -68.3754
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Kommentar 5

  • Klemens Heinrich Martin

    Klemens Heinrich Martin


    Sehr gute Möglichkeit Flamingos zu beobachten.

  • Peter Vanwestenbrugge

    Peter Vanwestenbrugge


    Heerlijk kajakken in het mangrovebos.

  • Bill Jones

    Bill Jones


    Goto Meer (lake) in the north of Bonaire offers the best closeup viewing of the Bonaire Flamingos feeding in a shallow (they prefer) salt water lake. The road takes you within feet of them (forget the viewing area above the lake) for a considerable distance. The north side of the lake has three aboriginal (indian) archeological sites which are not accessible, unfortunately. The largest concentrations of Bonaire Flamingos are at the southern tip of Bonaire, near the lighthouse, where they feed in the salt solar evaporating ponds. You can walk out on the dikes between the ponds to catch a closer glimpse of them. Note this is private (Cargill) property. Keep a sharp eye out to find them in the south for they are some distance off the island perimeter road.

  • Amanda De Wilde

    Amanda De Wilde


    For me one of the most beautiful places on Bonaire

  • Jannie van Vliet

    Jannie van Vliet


    Schitterend wat een uitzichten.

Nærmeste Naturlige træk:

Goto Lake

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
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Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
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📑 Alle kategorier i Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba

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