Empire Cinema i Kralendijk

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6 Kaya Katwijk,, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 777 1122
Hjemmeside: www.empirebonaire.com
Latitude: 12.1689823, Longitude: -68.2844193
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Kommentar 5

  • crazyluvi



    This outdoor movie theater is fun, very kid friendly and has good movies.

  • Jagessar Jayen

    Jagessar Jayen


    Perfect place to watch movie with the stars

  • Meralney B

    Meralney B


    Bonaire only place where u can watch movie. Its outdoor. So if its a rainy night i wouldnt go. But other than that very fun and chill.

  • Victoria Cranston

    Victoria Cranston


    Other than your own living room, it's the best place to enjoy movies on a big screen.

  • Ian Kaplan

    Ian Kaplan


    The Empire Cinema is the movie theater of Bonaire. The cinema is run by a gentleman who spent his previous career working with cinema equipment, so picture quality is important to him. We saw the highest quality 3D movie at the Empire Cinema. The cinema is outdoors. You can get beer, wine and popcorn as you relax watching the movie. An evening at the Empire Cinema is not to be missed if you visit Bonaire (or if you live on Bonaire).

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📑 Alle kategorier i Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba

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