Eden Beach Resort i Kralendijk

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Bulevard. Gobernador Nicolaas Debrot 73, Kralendijk 0, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 6720
Hjemmeside: www.edenbeach.com
Latitude: 12.16466, Longitude: -68.28625
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Kommentar 5

  • Audrey Frans

    Audrey Frans


    Nice place. Great sunset

  • peter welykanycz

    peter welykanycz


    Place where you get to relax and forget about everything . Scuba divers paradise, you get to do as much diving as you can handle and prices are good too. Resort is nice and clean, so are the rooms nice and comfy. You even get your own kitchen if you feel like cooking. Walking distance from restaurants , supermarket and branch of different scuba shops. Onsite scuba centre 👍 highly recommended.

  • Kelly Opel

    Kelly Opel


    Great location, close to Kralendijk and easy to swim or snorkel in the sea. Chill beach with nice bar. Friendly staff. No place to hang wet clothes in or out of the room which is really a problem.

  • Rodger Albertus

    Rodger Albertus


    Wonderful place to stay, right at the beach where you can enjoy Bonaire beach, take a watertaxy to Klein Bonaire, or your boat for diving. Perfectly placed.

  • K Harrison

    K Harrison


    Went here on a day pass from our Cruise ship. Great beach, nice deep swimming area. Stairs into the water are slippery and hard to walk on. Bar is well stocked and staffed. Would be great if there were actual change rooms or even curtained areas - changing in the bathroom is difficult.

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