Courtyard by Marriott Bonaire Dive Resort i Kralendijk

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Kaya International 2, Bonaire Caribbean Netherlands Kralendijk, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 715 2222
Latitude: 12.1378828, Longitude: -68.2699543
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Kommentar 5

  • Gemma Preece

    Gemma Preece


    Great staff. Lovely bar. Room was McLean and spacious

  • Eleanor Verkoeyen

    Eleanor Verkoeyen


    We went here to receive help at the Dive Friends office. Elsa was fantastic helping us through the whole process of getting set up for our first time shore diving! We didn't stay at this hotel, but it looked quite beautiful.

  • Janice Hernandez

    Janice Hernandez


    Relaxing and quiet stay. Great to wind down after a long day. Beautiful location, modern, spacious and clean rooms. The staff is very friendly and helpful.

  • Sean Kent

    Sean Kent


    Great service! Fantastic location. Dive Friends Bonaire has a dive shop right behind the hotel!!

  • Seth Zirin

    Seth Zirin


    Colorful grounds & nice restaurant. We visited the Courtyard a few times for dinner and brunch while we were staying elsewhere. The restaurant service was excellent and the food delicious. Buildings on the grounds were very colorful. The infinity pool near the restaurant was clean and attractive. Will definitely consider a stay on a future visit.

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