Buddy Dive Watersports i Kralendijk

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Kaya Libertador Simon Bolivar 6, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 5085
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 12.1504115, Longitude: -68.2757718
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Kommentar 5

  • Luiz Cesar Savi

    Luiz Cesar Savi


  • Lori lynch

    Lori lynch


    Richard is the best dive instructor. Ask for him!

  • Jeremy Valentine

    Jeremy Valentine


    Great discover scuba experience! Highly recommend for first timers

  • Derek Christian

    Derek Christian


    Great people, nice place, food is decent but I showed up to dive with a guest because he told me the boat had spots (and it still does, as it’s leaving the dock) and they told me I can’t (pay) to come because the boat is resirved for guests. Bad call Buddy.

  • Treasure By The Sea

    Treasure By The Sea


    New watersports shop that carries snorkel & dive equipment, rash guards, skins, wetsuits, hoods & accessories. Also has stylish beachwear apparel & bathing suits. Has some fun unique things like this scuba tank rum bottle & nespresso coffee machines. The full face dive mask & underwater scooters certainly caught my eye!

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