Buddy Dive Resort i Kralendijk

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85, Kaya Gob. N. Debrot, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 5080
Hjemmeside: www.buddydive.com
Latitude: 12.170845, Longitude: -68.28721
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Kommentar 5

  • Mister Jared

    Mister Jared


    Great place to dive, the resort isn’t the greatest but you won’t be THAT disappointed if you’re here. This is my first dive resort I’ve ever been to and I’m having a great time.

  • Caroline Quinn

    Caroline Quinn


    Buddy Dive is a great place to stay whether you are an experienced or novice diver. The house reef alone is worth many days of exploring. We are loving the relaxed style and the mix of comfort and eco efforts yet everything you need is here and everything is absolutely spotless. The staff have just the right level of helpfulness and do their level best to make your stay wonderful. The resort is of course set up for divers but you can easily do so much more here especially if you have the dive and drive deal. We recommend doing the coral restoration course. If nothing else you will home your buoyancy skills and part of the fees go to the project. Top Tip: buy sun protection hoods and long sleeve tops so you don't need sun block when diving as it is thought to directly kill the very corals you have come to see. The dive shop sells a more friendly sun block but even that is not totally harmless. I have loads more tips but I will post them on trip advisor at the end of our hol. 👌

  • Isis Rocha

    Isis Rocha


    Awesome hotel for divers! Apartments with plenty of room (including room to dry your scuba gear), all you can use cilinders of air and nitrox. In front of the hotel its a excellent location to dive and you can dive there day and night. Good food at breakfast and at the local restaurant.

  • Nick Mosely

    Nick Mosely


    Great diving. beautiful refs. Well maintained. You gotta carry your own gear down the cliffs and into the water. Rocky beaches. A real gem.

  • A Price

    A Price


    Rented snorkel gear for the day from here. Staff are super friendly and knowledgeable. I didn't stay at the resort as I was in the cruise ship, but I can tell you that the establishment was a constant flow of divers coming and going on boats, so I'm thinking it must be pretty good considering the amount of patrons. If I ever return, I will definitely stay at buddy dive.

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