Van der Valk Plaza Beach Resort Bonaire i Kralendijk

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80, Julio A. Abraham Boulevard, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 2500
Latitude: 12.13783, Longitude: -68.275738
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Kommentar 5

  • Janice Farley

    Janice Farley


    Super friendly staff, immaculate rooms, fantabulous location.

  • Thomas Lynch

    Thomas Lynch


    Worst "Resort" I've stayed at, employees were rude, rooms outdated and dirty, walkways to rooms covered In bird droppings, Only one of 3 bars open the entire week, one "restaurant" cafeteria style foods. The maids stole $300.00 worth of our belongings and the "resort" did not even bother to offer to replace the items. After we reported them to the management we received dirty linens and towels to our room the rest of the week. They tried to nickel and dime us all week, $25.00 breakfast per person, $25.00 lunch per person and $23.50 ???? Dinner per person. Food was bad we ate in town all week. The casino was a joke also. STAY AWAY !!!! This place was horrible.

  • Ted Buckley

    Ted Buckley


    4 1/2 stars. Huge property. Large rooms but need a little upgrade/attention. Employees all very nice. Meals are buffet and mostly well prepared, tasty and vary from day to day. Good dive operation on site with great crew. "All inclusive" is a great deal. The resort pours freely and charges a small extra charge for premium.

  • Dave Bradley

    Dave Bradley


    On the whole it was a very pleasant experience except for the noise next door to our room which was caused by a couple who had a party as well as drilling one afternoon very near our room. The hotel is clean but in need of a full renovation. The food in the restaurant was excellent! All in all the hotel is good value for money.

  • Terence Larcombe

    Terence Larcombe


    Great place. Rooms are huge and air conditioned. Buffet meals are varied and at night a cook to order or BBQ is offered. 5 star beach with a wonderful beach bar. Iced coffee to die for !!!! Lots of diving on offer. I don't dive so I can't comment on the quality .

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