Divi Flamingo Beach Resort & Casino i Kralendijk

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40, Julio A. Abraham Boulevard, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 8285
Hjemmeside: www.diviresorts.com
Latitude: 12.14433, Longitude: -68.27599
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Kommentar 5

  • W D

    W D


    Great location, right on the water. Food is pretty good at the restaurants.

  • Lori McLeod

    Lori McLeod


    Great service, great location. Good wheelchair accessibility. We had a large group, they did a great job taking care of us with yummy buffet meals. Diving was top notch ! Outstanding staff and dive sights.

  • Andie Rozek

    Andie Rozek


    Very nice laid-back quiet Island if you want peace and relaxation not a lot going on but a nice vacation beaches are not the greatest but the water is nice

  • Cher Hislop

    Cher Hislop


    White sand beaches and beautiful turquoise waters teeming with all kinds of underwater creatures! One of the best diving places in the Caribbean but I prefer snorkeling, which I did every day. The underwater beauty of all the magnificent colored fish never seemed to amaze me. Safe island and no fears to be out after dark walking around. Enjoyed steady 84 degree temperature and tropical winds. Our resort was perfect with a kitchenette and an enclosed patio and the pool nearby. Delicious food served in 3 restaurants at all times of the day. All inclusive package was very expensive and they don't pro-rate you for the day you arrive late at 8 pm at night nor on the day you have to depart at 10:30 am. Tried speaking to the Manager about this but got no results. Need to plan extra days on either end to receive your full benefits of all - inclusive. Wait staff and cleaning ladies were wonderful. Everyone else not so friendly.- we were told this is their custom to be quiet and reserved. Great celebratory vacation with my hubby!

  • S



    Nice friendly and relaxed This place is a quiet and friendly place. It's not a crazy party place. The happy hour is great, food is pretty good as well. Thanks buffet nights are not amazing, but also not bad. The staff is very laid back and nice. This is the perfect place for people that aren't picky, type A, etc. The Dive staff as nothing short of amazing and accomodating. They are serious about safety but very fun.

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