Dive Friends Bonaire @ Port Bonaire i Kralendijk

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1, Kaya International, Kralendijk, BQ Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 3460
Hjemmeside: www.divefriendsbonaire.com
Latitude: 12.1346345, Longitude: -68.2776717
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Kommentar 5

  • Rogier Vanderoord

    Rogier Vanderoord


    Goede sfeer. Fijne mensen.

  • Rachelle Burk

    Rachelle Burk


    We chose dive friends because there were so many locations on the island for exchanging tanks. They also offered free nitrox upgrade. Besides the shore dives, we did 3 boat Dives with top-notch dive masters and boat captains. Their services at the shops were also top notch, helping us to decide on the best dives, informing us on the ease of difficulty of the entries. A special shout-out to Ilsa, who spent so much time helping us, and to boat captain and divemaster Caitlin who seems to know and do everything dive/marine related. Every one of our dive Masters was terrific but unfortunately I don't remember their names to acknowledge them specifically. Thanks all for a fantastic trip!

  • Jeff Scholz

    Jeff Scholz


    Great experience! We did not make reservations and luckily they had availability and took us five out. Kevin our dive master was awesome. Took us to two excellent spots and was very helpful! Would highly recommend this group!!

  • Bryan Walker

    Bryan Walker


    Great service every year.

  • Dan Taylor

    Dan Taylor


    Gordon the dive master at Dive Friends was awesome. He worked with me to get the shots needed and the people in the shop are all friendly as their name suggests. Bonaire is a great place to dive! We will be posting images and video of our dives on Destination360 soon.

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