Flamingo Internationale Lufthavn i Kralendijk

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Plasa Medardo SV Thielman 1, Kralendijk, De tidligere Nederlandske Antiller
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 5600
Hjemmeside: www.flamingoairport.com
Latitude: 12.133385, Longitude: -68.276878
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Kommentar 5

  • Niels S

    Niels S


    Prima, snelle afhandeling.. je weet datje meteen in de Cariben bent... alles is buiten... inchecken, bagage afhandeling....

  • Schuyler Bishop

    Schuyler Bishop


    Look - you’re in a foreign country. It’s a Caribbean island just off the coast of Venezuela. It’s a part of the Netherlands. Quick customs, the currency is the US dollar and the entire airport is outside. Did I mention the airport is pink? Relax, take your time as they will and enjoy life at a different pace!

  • Marleen Schouten

    Marleen Schouten


    Lekker kleine luchthaven. Je bent er zo doorheen alles ziet er netjes uit

  • Diederik Linders

    Diederik Linders


    Cute little airport. The terminal is basically open air, or at least, it is not a closed building. This gives you immediately the feeling that you have truly arrived in the Caribbean.

  • Country Man

    Country Man


    Was the first pink airport I saw, it had the rentals there so that was handy, but there were no phone company there, so we had to drive to the town to get to Digicel

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