Bachelor's Beach i Kralendijk

Åben kort
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Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599
Latitude: 12.1253704, Longitude: -68.2874429
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Kommentar 5

  • Oliver



    Relaxed beach with great snorkeling and diving right beside the sandy entry. Leave your car just above the beach, and take a break from the water to enjoy the best food truck on the island King Kong Burgers. Like on any beach, you will sometimes see some trash, but that's something each of us can help fix. Pickup 3 pieces of trash everytime you go, pin down your trash so the wind doesn't take it and make sure to throw away your trash after you leave (there are bins provided at the parking).

  • Ventura Mergulhador

    Ventura Mergulhador


    I really enjoyed this dive point, crazy to return, I love Barchelo's Beach-Bonaire

  • Vivian Hall

    Vivian Hall


    King Kong food cart! Garlic burger with garlic fries were surprisingly delicious. They also offered a Caesar burger that sounded good but I could only eat one. For diving, this was the most treacherous beach to exit. The surf is so strong that if it catches you off balance, it's TUFF to get back on your feet while wearing BC and tank. It's out of the question to remove these and exit because the surf can easily take it from you.

  • Janene Goubert

    Janene Goubert


    Beautiful. The "beach" is very small and you couldn't lay there and soak in the sun but the water is pristine!! Great food truck right there serving gourmet burgers and fries! Decent Dive!

  • Victoria Cranston

    Victoria Cranston


    It's one of the few rock-free swim spots on the island.

Nærmeste Parkere:

Bonaire National Marine Park

Bonaire National Marine Park, Barcadera z/n, Kralendijk
parkLæs mere

📑 Alle kategorier i Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba

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