Avis Bonaire i Kralendijk

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Bonaire International Airport, Plasa Medardo SV Thielman 1, Kralendijk, Caribbean Netherlands
Kontakter telefon: +599 717 1111
Hjemmeside: www.avisbonaire.com
Latitude: 12.133898, Longitude: -68.277358
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Motogon

    Andrew Motogon


    Made reservation online few weeks before arrival, but when I get to Avis kiosk in Flamingo Airport was told: we don't have car for you. Be aware: your reservation doesn't mean you going to get car.

  • a lm

    a lm


    Budget / Avis is one of the most dishonest rude companies on the planet....They will not have records of your reservation(even with fastbreak), they will be rude about it even when you show them your emailed reservation, then they will overcharge you almost $100 after you return the vehicle. It can't get much worse with Budget's rude customer service. We were told the manager would call us "tomorrow" , "tomorrow" never happened. It was another Budget / Avis lie. Mr. Govert Strootman should fire the entire staff and quit making excuses for treating customers as badly as they do. Budget / Avis gave us the run around for months when we presented all the facts and evidence of poor service, wasn't until we retained representation did Budget / Avis do anything right. To little , to late Bonaire's Budget / Avis is one of the most dishonest rude companies on the planet

  • Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith


    Worst rental experience in my life. Rented a car for one week. The car given to us had many scratches and dents and the right front panel was partly hanging off. The inside was also in poor shape. Had to wait in the heat for about an hour at pickup so by the time we got the car I just wanted to get out of there. The gas tank was not full at pick up. There was 10/12 bars. Was told to bring in back the same or more. The next day the car didn't start because of a dead battery and I had to jump it. Returned the car with 10/12 bars on the gas gauge, the same as at pick up. However, the paper work said 7/8 bars. The charge was over $27 for the one bar. The entire experience left me so frustrated that I vowed never to rent from Avis again and it also soured me on Bonaire which is a disaster from a Tourism perspective for the island.

  • Christoph Huber

    Christoph Huber


    Good truck, but horrible service. Unfriendly and slow. Below par compared to other Avis locations around the world and other businesses on Bonaire. Avis needs to send someone to this location to teach them about customer service.

  • Robert Mccarthy

    Robert Mccarthy


    I wish I had read all the horrible Google reviews before booking Avis in Bonaire. They are all true. When we arrived they said that sorry, our truck had not been returned yet, so we could only have a small car. They did actually have trucks available, but apparently they were not "our" truck, so we couldn't have one of them. They were reserved for someone else. If we came back the next afternoon we could have "our" truck. We returned the next day and indeed our truck had arrived. It wasn't cleaned yet, but whatever. When we returned the truck 6 days later there were 3 employees sitting at the office. One was eating lunch. One was one the phone, and the final one was doing some paperwork. Please wait they said. I actually stood there for 5 minutes while they finished doing what they were doing, and watched one eat. Are you kidding me? There are great car rental agencies on Bonaire. DO NOT rent with Avis. Please.

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